The Committee on Neurological Sciences is a part of the Medical Science Division of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It comprises 34 members – professors of medical universities, research institutes, as well as institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The scope of the Committee's activities includes an entire area of neurological sciences. The role of the Committee includes actions aimed at the development of neurological sciences represented by the Committee, as well as to use, popularize and promote achievements. The Committee has an advisory and opinion-making sciences character.
The Committee is currently composed of 12 teams, led by its elected members.
The tasks of the teams are as follows:

  • to promote the development of their scientific discipline on a countrywide scale
  • to integrate scientific centers and academia
  • to resolve specific scientific problems
  • to prepare and develop expert assessments and scientific opinions for the national administration
  • to popularize and implement research results
  • to organize scientific conferences and meetings
  • to initiate research projects