On behalf of the Organizational Committee of the “Neuropathology. Neurogenetics 2019” scientific conference, which is taking place on November 15th, 2019 in the Mossakowski Medical Research Center at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, we would like to invite you to participate in this event.

The aim of the conference is the comprehensive presentation of molecular research and the role of neuropathology in the aspect of contemporary diagnosis of nervous system diseases, with particular focus on neoplastic, neurodegenerative and demyelinating processes as well as neuromuscular disorders.Neurogenetics is a dynamically developing field of study that involves researching the molecular basis of pathological processes within the nervous system and isolating genetically determined diseases. The possibilities emerging from the application of more accurate diagnostic tests allow the identification of new, often very rare disease entities, yet at the same time bringing along difficulties with the interpretation of results.

The conference is addressed to neuropathologists, geneticists, neurologists and pathologists as well as molecular biologists, psychiatrists and pediatricians.


For more information about the conference visit website http://neuropath2019.pl